Save Stella the dog: two years shut up in a cage!

  • par: sharon smart

This is Stella. She has been locked up in a cage for two years with no exercise. She has been imprisoned because of her breed. Please sign this petition to save this poor dog.

I started this petition because the way she is being treated is wrong. We are supposed to be a nation of animal lovers, so for pity’s sake let’s save this poor dog.  She hasn't done anything wrong. It isn't her fault she was born a pit bull. Leaving her in this condition cruel and disgusting. Why is it alright to do this to a dog?

It's time the dangerous dog act was re-visited and amended, as it’s not fit for purpose and leads to gentle family pets being taken away and killed just because of their breed. Hundreds of dogs face this fate. They used to say German Shepherds were ‘dangerous dogs’, but not any more. What matters is training and handling, not breed.

No animal is born vicious, they are made that way by man. When animals have been let down, we have trained professionals who can help them learn better behaviour. The treatment of this dog is barbaric, and everyone involved should be ashamed. They are not fit to work with animals.

Please share this petition to demand better treatment for Stella. I need so many more signatures to even have a chance of making a difference, thank you.x


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