Help Support 'Paw Justice'

Paw Justice is an organization that was formed to help deal with the problems of animal abuse and neglect, which has grown at an alarming rate which is stretching the resources of all animal welfare agencies. We have taken upon ourselves to fight for your animal's rights. We love and appreciate the work that is done by all animal shelters but even they could not forsee the rapid increase in animal abuse within our society.

This is why Paw Justice was created, as we believe that there is no excuse for this shocking behavior. Paw justice is for YOUR pet, this is YOUR campaign to give YOUR pet a voice.

All we ask is that you sign the Paw Justice petition if you share the same belief that we do - people who hurt, torture or kill animals must be brought to justice! The petition is about making amendments to the Animal Welfare Act, to increase the maximum jail sentence to a five year period and to introduce a sensible sentencing for offenders that seriously mistreatment our animals. As so many offenders have not paid the price for their crimes against our animals.

Paw Justice is standing up for the 1.6 million cats and dogs that live as part of a family in New Zealand. We are uniting good pet owners and animal lovers together and sending a loud message that harming animals is wrong, only together as a nation joined as one voice can we put a stop to this shocking rise of animal abuse. If you believe in what we are doing, you have already become a spokesperson for your pet.
Please Sign And Support PAW JUSTICE

Animal Welfare Act 1999 

Reprint as at 5 August 2013

to reform the law relating to the welfare of animals and the prevention of their ill-treatment; and, in particular,—
  • (i) to require owners of animals, and persons in charge of animals, to attend properly to the welfare of those animals:

  • (ii) to specify conduct that is or is not permissible in relation to any animal or class of animals:

  • (iii) to provide a process for approving the use of animals in research, testing, and teaching:

  • (iv) to establish a National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee and a National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee:

  • (v) to provide for the development and issue of codes of welfare and the approval of codes of ethical conduct:

Paw Justice Charitable Trust PO Box 74415 Market Rd, Remuera Auckland, 1052

We The Undersigned congratulate the New Zealand House of Representatives for the Amendment of the Animal Welfare Act,1999, To Increase The Maximum Custodial Sentence for failure to care for, treat or humanely kill an animal.

Also Increaseing the maximum custodial sentence for Willful Mistreatment of an animal. We support the amendment Reprint as of August 2013 and We Thank You For Your Co-Operation In This Important Matter.


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