Candy's Fateful day on 4-21-2014 as Desribed by her Owner Cole Middleton:
To serve and protect became invade and attack by Rains County Deputy Jerred Dooley ID #510
Good Friday became Bad Friday for our family. It started with me discovering my home had been broken into and several items of value stolen including my firearms. We attempt to guard against this, but we all know that unfortunately theft happens. When it does happen, we call our local law enforcement officials for help. “To serve and protect” is a motto that we all want to embrace at a time like this.
So that’s what I did. I called the Rains Co. Sheriff’s office and notified them of the burglary. I had no idea of how tragic that act of faith (in what is supposed to be the people who protect us) would soon become.
Our beloved blue heeler Candy was just like many of your beloved pets, a member of your family that’s more than just an animal. Candy was not only that, but a valuable employee at my dairy because she worked with me daily as I gathered cows, worked calves, etc. I can provide dozens of witnesses who can verify that Candy liked to be petted and loved and was NOT AGGRESSIVE AT ALL. She has NEVER bitten anyone in her short 3 year life, but if someone drove up to our residence she would bark like all GOOD dogs do.
Deputy Jerred Dooley arrived about 2.5 hours later to take report on the robbery that happened at MY RESIDENCE. Both my father and I were in the pasture next to my house harvesting our winter crops for our dairy farm. We both saw the officer pull up to my house and park behind my farm truck where my dog Candy was in the bed of it barking at the unknown vehicle. As we were coming to him in our tractors, less than 40 yards away, he got out of his vehicle. That’s when our loyal family member, Candy, came out of the bed of my truck and continued to BARK. We were both HONKING OUR HORNS at this point to let him know we were headed to him. MY FATHER AND I BOTH WATCHED HIM OPEN THE DOORS TO MY HOUSE AND STICK HIS HEAD INSIDE WITHOUT CAUSE OR PERMISSION!!!! Dooley then closes my doors, walks off my steps and tells me, “I shot your dog, sorry.” He told me this as I’m approaching the fence from my tractor. He shot Candy behind her ear, in the side of her head, in HER YARD. OBVIOUSLY SHE WAS NOT FACING HIM AS THE ENTRY POINT WAS BEHIND HER EAR!!!UNREAL!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! REMEMBER I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS ROBBED!!! So he was there to HELP ME! “Serve and Protect?” More like “Invade and Attack”.
Dooley then retreats to his squad car, exclaims over his loudspeakers “do not approach the vehicle”, and calls in full reinforcements. He leaves my dog in my yard yelping and thrashing in unbearable pain. I BEGGED him to shoot her again (SINCE MY WEAPONS WERE STOLEN!) and he refused. I then had to do the otherwise unthinkable and take my poor baby’s life with my own hands while praying for this to be over with.
In a few minutes 2 state troopers (Hayes and Sneed) arrive in separate vehicles, along with the Emory City Police and the county investigator Mayer all with sirens blaring. The City Policeman exclaimed to my father and I to back up and step back as we are trying to explain what DEVASTATION has just happened. Officer Hayes had his tazer pulled and hand on his pistol. All of them together were VERY INTIMIDATING TO INNOCENT victims. The only thing I knew to do was grab my video camera phone and capture this because here again “protect and serve” was apparently invade and attack. After informing the officers I had a camera and was going to film, for my own sake, the Wood County State Trooper Hayes begins to MOCK me and wave at my camera. He then unprofessionally says “Hi mom! Hi Channel 8! How you doing?” This IS NOT A JOKE. THIS IS SERIOUS. I HAVE THE VIDEO! After several minutes of my father and I trying to explain to them that WE ARE THE VICTIMS the State Troopers ask, “So whose house got broke into? Whose blood is on your shirt?” SHOULDN’T THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN AWARE OF THAT???
And I explain that MY HOUSE was broken into and this was MY poor Candy’s blood on my shirt. The blood was there because Dooley shot her and left me to do the unimaginable. Only then does the mocking stop, the tazer put away, and hands off the pistols (with the exception of Officer Hayes who continued to want to keep his hand on his gun because its “comfortable”). I finally was able to give report to Officer Sneed (who was professional and helpful) about my dog being erroneously shot in cold blood. I also gave report to Chief Investigator Mayer (who was also professional and helpful) about my house being broken into and robbed.
When we call on peace officers for their help and assistance we expect them to serve and protect us, especially if we are the victims. In this instance service and protection became an invasion and an attack that led to a life altering experience that will regrettably never be forgotten and cost my family a very precious and valuable member.
Cole and Jayna Middleton and Family
We need Police Officers either to be Properly Trained with dealing with animals or they need to deal with the consequences of their actions.
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