Don’t delay Trump’s Georgia trial – let it proceed ASAP!

  • par: Left Action
  • destinataire: Federal and Georgia state officials

Trump's trial in Georgia (regarding his interference in the 2020 election along with co-conspirators like Rudy Giuliani) has been indefinitely halted by a Georgia appeals court until a panel of judges decides whether DA Fani Willis, the prosecutor, should be disqualified from the case.

Let's be clear what is happening – Republicans and Republican appointees are trying to delay justice because they know Trump is guilty as hell.

Fani Willis has been the target of attacks from Trump's team who have been searching for a reason to disqualify her, and now Trump has been handed a massive victory with this latest delay.

This is exactly what Trump wants – to delay and delay his trials until after the 2024 election, until he can win the presidency and pardon himself, or even just ignore the courts altogether. We can't let it happen.

Trump needs to be punished for his crimes, and the trial needs to happen as soon as possible. Add your name: Demand the Georgia trial proceed ASAP! >>

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