Appoint Jason Van Marter to Cheriton Town Council

On 9/26/2018 long-time Councilman Wesley Travis resigned his seat. Town code states that the remaining council members can appoint whomever they wish to fill the vacancy. After a year of controversy and gridlock, we want a new voice and fresh ideas introduced to the Town Council. Jason Van Marter, owner and chef of the popular restaurant The Local, has those qualities. Let's see what he and the current council members can accomplish together.

During the 9/26/2018 Town Council meeting (video), Councilman Yancy said:

"I'm a big proponent of bringing the community in. We work for the community. You guys put us here. But you put us here to do something. To do a job. And I'm hoping that everyone you put up here you had some degree of faith in to do that job to the best of our abilities."

Councilman Yancy and other council members, we the undersigned are not able to vote for the citizen to fill the current empty seat. We have signed this petition to let you know that we wish for Jason Van Marter to be on the Cheriton Town Council.  We believe that he will make positive contributions and a good-faith effort to work with you in your common goal to move the town forward.  Please consider us when you vote on the new Town Council member.

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 6 ans
Paper copies of the petition are now at The Local, S'paw Day, and El Ranchito Mexican Store. The latter is in English and Spanish.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 6 ans
Thank you for signing! If possible please swing by The Local, where a paper version of this petition is available. Your physical signature carries more weight than a virtual one. I will go through both versions to make sure no one signs twice.

Also, here's a shortcut link to the online petition in case you're telling someone about it:
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