In recent times the Australian Ministers for Consumer Affairs passed a standard of 10,000 birds per hectare outdoors, to be considered 'Free Range'. This only allows each bird approx 1 square metre of room while outside. The CSIRO and the RSPCA have advocated no more than 1,500 birds per hectare, this is for the welfare of the birds, it is also in the best interest of the environment.

It is unlikely we are going to change the stocking density standard for some time but we can encourage farmers to stick to lower stocking densities by demanding our consumer right to know how the birds live and what we are really paying for.

10,000 birds per hectare is definately not most consumers idea of "Free Range' and there are several other ramifications to be considered.

Under cramped conditions it's not unusual for poultry to become cannibalistic, this is where beak trimming began in caged birds. While out in the open 10,000 birds per hectare will only have approx. 1 square metre each and unless a roomy shed is also provided conditions are going to be even more cramped when they are locked up in the evenings.  Resembling something more like intensive farming rather than 'Free Range'.

Cramped conditions encourage disease, the general way to avoid such issues is the feeding of antibiotics which will end up in the eggs that we eat.

10,000 birds on a hectare of soil, will produce a large amount of highly concentrated manure, add to this limited vegetation and it can easily lead to nutrient overload and leach into the water table. The birds will also be scratching and feeding on morsels from that soil. To deplete such nutrients from the ground the area would need a very lengthy rest period.

For any other animals and/or humans living close by to a poultry farm with such a high concentration of birds and manure, there is also a greater risk of stable fly.

So it is for many reasons I have started this petition and I ask that you please join me in calling on the Ministers to introduce compulsory labelling of 'Free Range' egg cartons to include stocking densities per hectare and if the birds are given antibiotics, hormones etc.  So that we can know which farming practises we are supporting,what we are putting in our mouths and what type of eggs we are really paying for.

Further to this petition Choice have also made a list of most egg producers in Australia, showing those to support and those to boycott, so I encourage you to go to their web site.


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