Idaho is on a mission. Kill as many wolves as they can, down to the bare minimum, 100 wolves is all they require in their state to keep the fedaral government from putting them back on the endangered list. Around 300 wolves were killed ny hunters and trappers so far this year and another 23 by the wildlife services. Two packs were wiped out by a hired gun and now THE BUTCHER OF IDAHO wants to kill another 500 this year from helicopters. So, you are looking at around 850 or more slaughtered this year alone. I call that total eradication of the wolves.
WE the undersigned pledge to you that WE will not visit your state and spend our tourists dollars. Your State is a beautiful one, but you sir have STAINED IT RED with the blood of what the wildernes was meant to be WILD, not some HUGE FREAKIN ELK FARM. You will regret the day MR. OTTER when you see your states 3 BILLION DOLLAR A YEAR revenue you recieve from tourism drastically shrink.
And We just want to say ,hope you enjoy your ELK.
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
Just read that Idaho;s elections were a bit of good news for the wolves.The strongest anti-wolf haters in the house and senate have lost their primaries.Gov.Otter narrowly won his primarie,but he lost in his home county and 3 of the 4 largest counties in Idaho. Let's put the pressure on him to change his mind about the wolves.He doesn't want this hanging over his head in Nov.The Democrat for Governor is popular and more compassionate towards the wolves.Please sign and share.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Idaho is at it again.Now they are going into Wolf dens, putting expandable radio collars and microchips in pups between 2 and 4 weeks old . They say it is so they can better "MANAGE" the wolves.Here is how they mange wolves Around 350 killed so far this year.
No ,the reason they collar pups is so they can pinpoint where the wolves are when they grow and go straight to the wolves and their packs and ELIMINATE them.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
From Idaho's Fish and Game via The Idaho Statesman: At the end of 2013 wolf population was 659.
356 killed by hunters.
94 killed by ranchers and the Federal Gov.
16 killed by other Human factors.7 killed by undetermined cause.
Total killed --473
Total left--186
Idaho is Eradicating all the wolves period.
Google the Idaho Statesman for April 4th,2014.