Demand Answers for Boogie, Puppy Gunned Down By Police!

"May 2, 2012 Boogie, a 4-5 month old puppy, gunned down by the Birmingham, Alabama police department; he had gotten out of his yard and was apparently headed home; he was shot 6 times at the gate of his home. Our sympathy for Boogie's family and horror at the murderous reckless and cowardly behavior of the Birmingham Police Department. Lacy, thanks for letting us know about little Boogie. He did not deserve this. I shouldn't be shocked any more, but I am. A puppy."

Original post on this facebook page:

An article on the Internet:

We Want answers from the Birmingham Police Department as to why the puppy was slain in his own yard and we are questioning the police department's protocol and training. We want to know why the local animal control was not called. We are seeing this way to often, and it is time to STOP and re-evaluate how situations as such are handled. It is common knowledge of more humane methods to 'stablize' a situation, and we all agree the actions taken upon Boogie on May, 2, 2012 to be extreme and obvious overkill.


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