Ocean Guardian ( 501 c (3) Non-profit Organiztion) that honors the oceans and marine life around the world with Special non lethal protective oceanic and marine life research, geared to establish, change or refine International oceanic protective laws and enforcement. OG is fighting for the protection of Sharks around the world as they are being hunted and destroyed at an alarming rate which could lead to there extinction. These inexcusable hunting practices by the Japanese fishery department, The Chinese and others around the world could lead to a eco system failure because of
Finning. Finning is the removal of a shraks fins (shark is still alive) then put back into the oceans to die, this ill management of oceanic waters through out the world has brought about the mass destruction of this animal and it needs to stop! To help please sign the Petition which is going to the United Nations for protective laws and
enforcement of laws in place
. Protecting the Sharks future and the oceans, Ocean Guardian is working to protect and perserve sharks around the world, help us fight for the protection of these beautiful and much needed creatures. Because we understand that Extinction is forever and the differance is you.
Thank you for your support, you are the greatest part of our team and the reason why we fight hard to protect these and all marine life. Since you have taken the time to let your voice be heard you are now part of what saves the live of animals the world over.
We want to thanks for making a differance.
Ken Welch.
Founder / Exeutive Ditrector