Stop the shut down of Mother's Heart NGO (Kolkata)

Mother's Heart is an NGO based in Kolkata, India which has been campaigning  the cause of supporting, rescuing and healing stray animals.
The Municipality has called for a shut-down notice of the NGO: because the barking dogs cause "noise pollution" despite the court issuing a stay order granting Mother's HEart some time to vacate the premises and relocate the dogs to another property they are trying to buy.
This is a little effort from our side to save the lives of many stray dogs on the streets, as well as over 50 dogs which have been adopted by the NGO,and are at the Mother's Heart dog care which is up for closure.
You must appreciate that Mother's Heart is taking the stray animals off the streets and localities, where the diseases, infection and population of the animals would increase at a much higher rate, and would thereby cause more trouble. There are over hundred dogs (pets and stray) who are brought in for treatment, cared for and nurtured for at Mother's Heart every month.
It is cruel to shut down this organization, giving whimsical reasons such as "noise pollution" and "dirtying the drains".
the local councillor has told the NGO that they have to shut down in FIVE days time and the dogs can be released on the roads or they should be put down.

raise ur voice. Sign this petition..And do write a mail to in to protest. if you get time..

We request the municipality to expand their thought horizon and not make these many animals homeless. The least the municipality can do is extend the imposed deadline for closure.

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