StopTrophy and Big Game Hunting - ANIMAL CRUELTY SHOULD NOT BE A SPORT!

  • par: Tia Carolyn
  • destinataire: United State Government

Trophy hunting is not only barbaric but totally unnecessary and to make excuses of "Conservation" is a cop out and a lie. Only small percentage goes into "conservation" the rest is into their pocket to continue their work to buy lands for recreational hunting and to propagate "game" animals" for sports killing of innocent wildlife.

"As most of the profits are retained by the landowners, hunting
companies, their international agents and taxidermists,
this so-called 'sport' heightens the concentration of
wealth in the hands of the well-positioned few instead
of the needy many. To take one example, on a 21 day
leopard hunting safari in Tanzania costing almost
$43,000, 58.6% went directly to the hunting outfitter.
Less than 5% went to the government for wildlife
conservation and the remainder was spent on airfares,
charter flights, packing and shipping trophies and a
"general Government fund". No mention was even made
of funds going to local communities. (22)"

The Myth of Trophy Hunting as Conservation

Wildlife Watching and Eco-Tourism is what brings in the money

Wildlife Watching:-An Economic Boon to Communities

The hunting agencies and their cronies ignore big money that can be made by Wildlife Watching and Eco-Tourism and instead tries to claim it's the Sports  killing that brings revenue (as you see above that is a lie) to the people and land.   Even the trophy hunting of whitetailed deer here where many are raised in farms so their antlers can grow to it's maximum size this way small "men" with no soul and total lack o f empathy, remorse or any wrong doing can take a life of a sentient being who came into this world to live, not to be a trophy on someones wall or den.    What kind of humans gets thrills out of killing a  sentient being for the mere sake of bones on top of the animals head, or to be video taped  or photographed for sports hunters self gratification and to share their "conquest"  with other sadist killers to somehow  feel "important" and a longing to feel "belong" to the fellowship of heartless killers.    It's an embarrassment that our American Government would not only allow such horrific cruelty done to wildlife for greed  but to allows organization like Safari Club International to organize trips to Africa to kill these beautiful creatures of God then make excuses "oh the meat goes to the people" .  Why is it that we have organization such as "Food Not Bombs" who feeds the hungry thruout the world and in America condemned by the Government? Is it because they believe that money spent towards to hungry is more important then money spend on this endless war based on lie and greed?  

Animals from Zebra, Mountain Lion, Cheetah, Elephants, Antelope, Whitetailed deer, Mule deer, Elk  they all have interest in living and no one should take that away . What you do is not "sportmanship", it's not about "outdoors", it's about KILLING for pure pleasure  just like how serial kilers enjoy killing for pleasure and even body parts. 

Graphic and disturbing videos of todays Trophy and Big Game Hunting

Many are bowhunting which is the choice of weapon for sports and trophy hunter. The  pain and suffering they cause the animals but listen to the cheering, the "smack down" and just pure joy as the animals are suffering and dying.   Of course there are tons of videos but this will suffice. 

As Gareth Patterson a Lion Conservationist wrote in her article

Conservationist Gareth Patterson recently published an article on his website entitled "The Killing Fields."   In the piece, Patterson compared the similarities between trophy animal hunters and serial killers.  "Certainly one could state that, like the serial killer, the trophy hunter plans his killing with considerable care and deliberation.  Like the serial killer, he decides well in advance the type of victim--that is, which species he intends to target.  Also like the serial killer, the trophy hunter plans with great care where and how the killing will take place--in what area, with what weapon.  What the serial killer and trophy hunter also share is a compulsion to collect trophies or souvenirs of their killings.  The serial killer retains certain body parts and/or other trophies for much the same reason as the big game hunter mounts the head and antlers taken from his trophies of the chase," he said.

Are Sports Hunters Psychopaths ?

"....was, until 1980, the term used for a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct but masked by an >>>ability to appear outwardly normal<<< Psychopaths lack a sense of guilt or remorse for any harm they may have caused others, instead rationalizing the behavior, blaming someone else, or denying it outright, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and Dennis Rader, the infamous %u201CBTK%u201D (Bind, Torture, Kill) murderer%u2014have manifested numerous psychopathic traits, including superficial charm and a profound absence of guilt and empathy." YES

"For me and many of the people who contact me to offer their support, killing innocent animals for self-gratification is no different from killing innocent people for self-gratification. By extension, then, trophy hunting--the repeated killing of wild animals--should surely be viewed as serial killing. And in the same moral light humanity's thinking is, I feel beginning to approach such a level of morality." Gareth Patterson the killig field gareth patterson&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&


To the Government of the United States

Trophy hunting as you can see is unnecessary cruelty to innocent sentient beings.   The year 2011 and still American Government is advocating legalized animals cruelty  even to over seas in Africa by the way of Safari Club International and we must end this barbaric act, this is not about being a "sportsman" or "outdoorsman", even serial killers of humans killed for "sports" and what these humans does is no difference.   I am no Peta,  I am a person who have immense love for wildlife and  to see animals such as deer killed for the mere bones on top of their head is sickening or to see a dead zebra, Elephants, Lions, Antelope is an outrage and more people are learning about the corruption and cruelty of Sports Hunting.  Please let's encourage wildlife watching and  Eco-tourism and end Legalized animals cruelty for trophy and Sports..  Are we not supposed to be a civilized country? Is this what we want our children to learn that killing is fun and it's called "sports" ? Slavery to the point ot beating blacks hard with a rod was too once legal but we  now see how evil it was and so is Trophy Hunting.  Please I ask you to end this barbaric killing once and for all. There is no more excuses in this day and age to use killing as a means of "conservation" when we all know Eco-Tourism and Wildlife Watching is the way for the future. 

Tia Carolyn


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