Stop the physical and mental cruelty against Galgos and Podencos in Spain

  • destinataire: The leader of the Spanish government Jose Luis Zapatero

Our aims :  1- that Galgos,Podencos and other breeds of hunting dogs may no longer suffer the physical and mental cruelty which is inflicted on them as a � tradition � in Spain.

       2 - that all these dogs may live with dignity in their own country.

       3 - that the number of international rescues may finally decrease.

Through this international petition to be sent to the leader of the Spanish government Jose Luis Zapatero, we ask:

 -that the existing laws such as the Nucleo Zoologico ( the permit required to keep more than 5 dogs in suitable kennels and under veterinary supervision ) be respected in order to maintain the Galgos, Podencos and other breeds of dog in good sanitary conditions.

-that  it be compulsory, under a new law, for every owner of a hunting dog to vaccinate his dog (in addition to microchipping or tattooing, which is already compulsory) in order to obtain an annual hunting permit.

-that  it be compulsory for every owner of a hunting dog to have his dog%u2019s up to date vaccination card with him at all times  during the hunting season .

-that every Galguero caught with a dog who is in bad physical or mental condition be severely punished with a prison sentence, this is already in place but is rarely applied. Since its reform two years ago, the Spanish Penal Code already considers cruelty to animals to be a criminal offence (up to this it was just considered to be a misdemeanour). The sentence imposed for the offence is a fine along with 3 months to 1 year in prison, the severity of the penalty depends on the judge but in Spain a person who is given a sentence of less than one year and who has no prior convictions will not go to prison for a first offence.

-that any assistance from a state authority (Seprona, Guardia Civil ) or a veterinary source that contravenes these principles be sanctioned by a suspension or a ban on practising.

Kathi Backes and Evelyne Roman, President and Secretary of SOS Levriers.


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