Shut down Publish America

There are over 300,000 scammed, slammed and damned Authors who's careers are in limbo. Help us shut down this Predator Publishing Company. Authors are receiving NO ROYALTIES, NO BOOK SIGNINGS, PA HAS BREACHED THEIR PART OF THE CONTRACT and PA has been in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy since 2004.
We the undersigned are submitting this petiton to the FBI, BBB and CIA. There are numerous complaints from your contracted Authors all over the web and the world. In the past year we have not received any Royalty Checks, sales of our books or scheduled any Book Signings.

You have breached your part of the so called 7 year contract and we Authors are not going to take your Crooked Business Practices and taking advantage of us anymore! We have numerous emails by your company to get us to buy our own books and donate them so you don't have to pay our Royalties. Your company has been in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy procedure since 2004 and you have so many alias company names the Federal Government cannot shut you down. You are criminals with a Dentist Office for a reverse phone number for your customer service and you do not even have an 800 number for us to call you. Our books have been shunned from State Libraries and laughed at by critics because you don't live us to your editing promises. We send in our finished manuscripts and you purposely change them to make them unacceptable. You overprice our books and then make us buy them. We Authors have had enough! We want you SHUT DOWN PERMANENTLY!

Read this and understand what we see you to be. A fraud and a scam and you need to be SHUT DOWN.

Acknowledge the following signatures of Disgruntled Publish America Authors former and current along with concerned citizens and Law Enforcement Representatives.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and have a creative day.

Disgruntled Publish America Authors and Supporters

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