Some members of Congress are attempting to terminate the existence of the Cherokee Nation as a federally recognized Indian Nation. For more information regarding this Termination bill as well as how to send a letter to Congress to protest H.R. 2824, please check out the following locations:
Send a Letter to Congress (H.R. 2824 Info)
"None of us are free if one of us is oppressed"
You can make a big difference in just 5 minutes. That's all it will take to learn the issues and send a letter to Congress. The actions of the US government have an enormous impact on our nation, so please educate yourself and take action. Please take the following actions:

Send a letter to Congress.
Take a look at bills that could affect the entire entity that is the Cherokee Nation.
Register to vote.
Call to Action: Termination Bill H.R. 2824!
Please write your elected officials!
If you have already sent a letter%u2026this is a new version of a letter opposing the Termination of the Cherokee Nation and is now ready to go to your Senators.
Why should Congress let the Courts decide?? In addition to Cherokee Nation District Court, these issues are being litigated in U.S. District and Appellate Courts in Washington, D.C. Beyond the tribal court reinstatement, the Nation is committed to keeping the Freedmen descendants as citizens until all litigation has been resolved %u2013 and beyond if they prevail in court. Congress should allow the Federal and Tribal Courts to do their work without interference.
We the undersigned wish to petition the Congress of our United States as an indication of our deep concern regarding the necessity of preserving the Nation of the Cherokee as a federally recognized entity. Please recall the indignation ALL faced as a direct result of the take-over of the indigenous peoples lands and rights. In addition to Cherokee Nation District Court, these issues are being litigated in U.S. District and Appellate Courts in Washington, D.C. Beyond the tribal court reinstatement, the Nation is committed to keeping the Freedmen descendants as citizens until all litigation has been resolved %u2013 and beyond if they prevail in court. Congress should allow the Federal and Tribal Courts to do their work without interference. Please vote down Termination Bill H.R. 2824!
Thank you for your time and the immediate and careful consideration of this important matter!