Prevent Breed Specific Legislation in Pennsylvania

8/29/2008 Update:   Representative Galloway has amended the bill so as to prevent an outright breed specific ban from being implemented anwhere in Pennsylvania.  HOWEVER - the amended version still allows individual townships/municipalities/cities to institute any breed specific legislation short of a ban. This still is unacceptable.  In non-Pennsylvania towns that have instituted non-ban BSL, the laws frequently are so onerous as to severely limit the targeted pet's quality of life.  For example - one town's laws included requiring increased licensing fees, liability insurance to cover the dogs, 6-foot fences, and the targeted breeds were not allowed out of their dwelling without a muzzle - not even in their back yard. Imagine being told you can't take your dog out to play fetch in your own fenced-in back yard (after all, a dog can't fetch if he's wearing a muzzle).  That same town wouldn't even allow the targeted dogs to be on-leash with their owners on their front porches "too risky", in their opinion.  Violaters then risk having fines heaped on them, and their dogs seized and euthanized.  I'm not saying any town in Pennsylvania would copy that other town's laws - but why risk allowing it?  The amended bill would still allow breed specific legislation, just not "outright banning".  This bill still needs to be prevented, please spread the word! 

House Bill 2553 would open the door for Breed Specific Legislation in Pennsylvania.  This bill would allow localities (townships, counties, etc.) to target entire populations of dogs by breed for "breed specific legislation".  Targeted breeds usually also include dogs which have the appearance of being similar to a targeted breed, or are mixed breeds including one of the targeted breeds.  Typical targeted breeds include: Pit Bulls, Staffordshire Terriers, Dobermans, Shepherds, Akitas, Chow Chows, Boxers, Rottweilers, but can be directed to any breed of dog.  The usual result of BSL is to require owners of targeted breeds of dogs to bring their dogs in for euthanization, simply because of the kind of breed the dog is. <Note - the bill as amended in late August, would not permit outright breed bans - but will still permit breed specific non-ban legislation>

Please help fight against this bill by signing this petition and spreading the word.  The House of Representatives is planning on voting on this bill during the fall of 2008, so it is urgent that this spread quickly. It could be voted on as soon as mid-September.

Please keep spreading the word as the pressure is working!  Thank you!  Also, please, give your name and add a comment, signing it "anonymous" carries far less weight with the politicians.

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