More Safety At Virginia Tech

  • par: Jennifer Cocke
  • destinataire: Mark Steger, Director of News and Information, Virginia Tech

This Petition is being started to get more safety in Colleges and Other schools.A shooting happened yesterday Morning starting at 7:15am and school officials didn't notify the students until two hours later.because of this lives were taking that could have been prevented.I urge you to all help me in getting furture problems in colleges and schools prevented.We need to get school officials to notify us sooner in any event that this may happen again .

We need more protection in schools and I urge you to help me get that protection.We need to all come forward and get this ball rolling .Please help me in getting secured safety to our schools and colleges and help prevent lives in harmful danger.Join me in the road to safety and sign this petetion.Get friends family anyone you know to help many students out there you can never be to safe.


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