Midwifery and Doula Care for P.E.I
B.O.R.N is pleased to announce the government of PEI is listening to you! We have a meeting with the New Health Minister. Please continue to let her know that Women and their families on PEI want access to fully funded and regulated Midwifery.
Dear Hon. Minister Currie We the undersigned have received the letter from the Reproductive Care Cordinator that the Government has no plans to regulate or fund Midwifery Services on PEI in the near future. We are very disappointed to hear this. Women on PEI deserve the same quality of care that women across Canada receive with access to Midwifery Services. PEI is the last province without Midwifery services. As is is laid out in the Health Canada Maternity Care Guidelines, women should have their choice of primary health care provider and choice of birth setting. This includes Midwives and yet women on PEI do not have this choice. We respectfully ask that all women on PEI should be able to choose Midwifery services in a safe and publicly funded system. BORN would also like to see that Doulas are part of a Family Centred Maternity Care System in PEI. We ask you to commit to including Midwifery and Doula Care into PEI's Heath Care System in 2010. Thank yourespectfully, Susana Rutherford on behalf of the Women of PEI and their Families.