Michael Moore must do a film about marijuana prohibition

Few people are better at bringing hypocrisy and injustice to our attention than Michael Moore.  The reformation of marijuana laws has become the subject of much discussion and debate in recent months and, although his would not be the first film on this topic, a film from Mr. Moore would really get people's attention and put a big nail in the coffin of prohibition.  Just imagine what he could do with this subject.  Join me in begging him to take up this cause.
Dear Mr. Moore,

Hi!  We, the undersigned, would like you to consider taking up marijuana prohibition as the subject of your next film.  Every year, America wastes billions of dollars putting hundreds of thousands of people in prison for smoking something that, as far as anyone in the medical profession knows, has killed no one.  Compare that to alcohol and tobacco which together kill about half a million people every year in the United States alone.  The vast majority of the scientific evidence on the subject says that marijuaja is about as dangerous as green tea and is in no way hazardous enough to justify the repercussions brought down on those who smoke it, which, besides the loss of personal freedom, include the loss of families, homes, and property as well as the denial of jobs and an education.

Please, Mr. Moore; we beg you to work your magic and shine some light on this subject and help us end seven decades of lives ruined and billions in tax dollars wasted persecuting people who are just trying to relax and have a good time.  Thank you.

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