licence increase unfair

Due to a bad ecomony the gov.has deceided to raise the fishing lic.the basic lic is $19.00 dollars and if you want to fish for trout or salmon you have to pay an additional $10.00. I feel this is an unfair tax to the occasional sportsman who fish weekends or take there kids fishing . PLEASE NOTE I WILL BE SENDING THIS PETITION ON 3/31/2009                                               thank all of you for helping
We the undersigned feel that the increase in ny state fishing licence is unfair to the weekend or occasional fisher person who may take there kids fishing or themselves for a weekend or on a charter boat fishing for trout or salmon .We need to encourage the young to enjoy fishing and the great outdoors. they say we can make a difference if we feel some thing is not right and we feel this increase is unfair.
                 Thank you for taking the time to  read and sign this petition i hope it will make a difference.


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