Joey Lawrence on the big screen in a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Joey Lawrence has been delighting us on TV to the big screen for years, and Woah'd us with his music. He is a remarkable star who gives so much of his time to charities, fundraiser's, and his fans. Joey's fans rave about his acting skills and WANT to see him in a Jerry Bruckheimer film. Plus it would mean a lot and a dream for Joey as well. Currently you can catch Joey on twitter at @Joeylawrence (he does twitter his fans as will follows the one's who ask).  He is a charmer in looks and heart. You can catch Joey on the hit ABCFamily tv show "Melissa & Joey" coming soon in June. or you can purchase the DVD release of "Melissa & Joey" this month in May.
Dear Mr. Bruckheimer;

We the FANs of Mr. Joey Lawrence would love to see him in one of your near and future films. He recently stated that he himself would love to be apart of a film of yours. So as a huge FAN as well of other's we want you to know that it would mean a lot to his fans to see this happen!!!


All the FANS of Joey Lawrence
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