Free Jerome Ersland

We the people of the State of Oklahoma feel our Justice System has let us down on 5/26/2011 on the Jerome Ersland case.  We are in shock and outrage but more importantly we fear for the safety of our homes and business.  We sign this in hopes the Governor, the Small Business Association, the District Attorneys Office and the National Rifle Association will receive a copy.  Please help us right this wrong.
On May 19, 2009, Dr. Jerome Ersland a pharmacist in Oklahoma City shoots one of two criminal's dead in a 45 second robbery attempt at Reliable Pharmacy.  Dr. Ersland receives a verdict by jurors of 1st degree murder and Life Sentence for trying to protect his life and two fellow co-workers.
Please sign to help us show support in asking our Govenor to Pardon Jerome Ersland. Thank you and May God Bless You.


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