Coweta County Commissioners and Voters

From: Members of "Justice for Old Yeller"

There are serious problems at the Coweta County Animal Control. The true horror story of one specific dog, we call Old Yeller, symbolizes these problems. The lack of common decency and simple human compassion was the case where this poor dog, suffering and unable to move his legs or open his mouth, was on the floor in a cage for 5 days.. He was lying in pain days without receiving any medical attention or basic care. This is truly sickening. So many people did nothing to give him any relief ! How can this be allowed to happen?  In fact, at one point, they told the president of the Georgia Humane Society that he was dead on Monday morning and when someone else called later,  a different employee said he was alive.  
There were many people who did nothing to help him and some who blocked others from extending a loving hand to Old Yeller. This behavior can not be allowed to continue another day !
You have the ability to change this now. The voters have the ability to change their State Representatives and Senators to those with more compassion. We sincerely hope you will act immediately to address this terrible treatment of animals in your county shelter. The rescue who made this public is now being punished by the shelter and can not take animals from the Coweta Shelter now. More animals die every day in retaliation. These heartless County Commissioners need to take a look at what is going on in the shelter. The prison may be well run but this shelter is very poorly managed . Speak out now.
We, the undersigned, urge you to start an immediate investigation into the circumstances that allowed a dog, unable to move his legs or open his mouth, to lay on the floor in his cage in Coweta County Animal Control, with NO medical attention, starving while looking at a bowl of food, unable to eat food or drink water from Thursday Aug. 5 to Monday, August 9th  There was no way to save him by the time a rescue picked him up on Monday. Where was the simple human compassion for that suffering dog ? This callous behavior can not be possibly be acceptable to you or any of the voters in Coweta County.
In spite of rescues offering to come and care for this dog, he  remained in his cage, in pain and unable to move. We implore you to make changes that will stop this from ever happening again. Please do something to change this system that shows no compassion now. This is wrong!
Old Yeller did not deserve the pain and suffering that they allowed him to endure. No living animal deserves to die like that. Please fix this broken system before it happens again. This is such a  terrible way to treat animals who need help.

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