Campanha contra as touradas no mundo/ Campaign against bullfighting in the world/ Campagne contre la

As corridas de touros s%uFFFDo uma pr%uFFFDtica cruel e b%uFFFDrbara.
O objectivo de muitos milh%uFFFDes de pessoas, em todo o mundo que lutam contra ela, %uFFFD p%uFFFDr-lhe um ponto final, para sempre. Nesse sentido, entendemos ser muito importante, que a Avaaz, junte-se a n%uFFFDs nesta luta, criando uma enorme campanha mundial, junto dos governos dos pa%uFFFDses onde esta pr%uFFFDtica ainda existe!

The bullfights are cruel and barbaric practice.
The aim of many millions of people around the world who struggle against it, is to put an end to it forever. Accordingly, we believe it is very important that Avaaz, please join us in this struggle, creating a massive global campaign, with the governments of countries where this practice still exists!

Les corridas sont une pratique cruelle et barbare.
L'objectif de plusieurs millions de personnes dans le monde qui luttent contre elle, est de mettre un terme %uFFFD tout jamais. En cons%uFFFDquence, nous croyons qu'il est tr%uFFFDs important que Avaaz, s'il vous pla%uFFFDt joindre %uFFFD nous dans cette lutte, la cr%uFFFDation d'une vaste campagne mondiale, avec les gouvernements des pays o%uFFFD cette pratique existe encore!

Las corridas de toros son una pr%uFFFDctica cruel y b%uFFFDrbara.

El objetivo de muchos millones de personas en todo el mundo que luchan contra %uFFFDl, es poner fin a la misma siempre. En consecuencia, creemos que es muy importante que Avaaz, por favor, %uFFFDnase a nosotros en esta lucha, la creaci%uFFFDn de una campa%uFFFDa mundial masiva, con los gobiernos de los pa%uFFFDses donde esta pr%uFFFDctica todav%uFFFDa existe!


The bullfights are cruel and barbaric practice.

The aim of many millions of people around the world who struggle against it, is to put an end to it forever. Accordingly, we believe it is very important that Avaaz, please join us in this struggle, creating a massive global campaign, with the governments of countries where this practice still exists!

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