Appeal to the Dutch Government Who wants Emergency Act Against Environmental Defenders Sea Shepherd

  • par: Claudia Peters
  • destinataire: Dutch Government,,
The Netherlands wants to ban the controversial anti-whaling organisation Sea Shepherd from sailing under the Dutch flag. Public Works State Secretary Tineke Huizinga said Friday she wants to amend the law quickly to make this possible.
The American organisation Sea Shepherd has two ships sailing under the Dutch flag. The Netherlands provided the necessary certificate of registry for this in 2007, after Sea Shepherd had promised in writing not to use violence and to comply with the safety rules. Nonetheless, a number of incidents have taken place between Sea Shepherd ships and Japanese whalers in the Antarctic.

Japan has repeatedly complained to the Netherlands about the Sea Shepherd. It appears difficult at the moment to take action against ships that do not comply with the rules, so the cabinet wants to speedily extend its legal options for withdrawing certificates of registry, according to Huizinga.
This can NOT happen.As a dutch citizen,i'm proud that the Steve Irwin vessel sails under the dutch flag ! Violence??? There's no worse violence than illegally killing whales in the Antartic Whale Sanctuary,slaughtering seals and skin them alive,plundering the oceans ! Sea Shepherd is doing the job in conservation,something that all governments in this world FAIL at !!!!! All supporters of Sea Shepherd Unite ! I'M GOING TO DELIVER THIS PETITION IN PERSON ON SEPTEMBER 22TH TO THE DUTCH CABINET.THANK YOU ALL FOR SIGNING
We write in protest against your proposal to withdraw the Dutch ship registry for the vessel The Steve Irwin from Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. I refer to the article:

Dutch Government to enact law to ban Sea Shepherd from sailing under the Dutch flag!

Realising that tremendous pressure is being brought to bear on your government by the Japanese I would nevertheless urge you to rethink this drastic measure. The Japanese are breaking International Whaling agreements, they do so at will while the world stand by and do nothing, with the exception of Paul Watson and his Sea Shepherd crew. As an advocate of marine conservation I applaud the actions of Paul Watson, admiring him for his courage and integrity. Paul Watson is standing up to the piracy of illegal whalers. The least your government can do is allow him to retain his registration.

For a nation like Japan to defy the entire world, without suffering retribution can only mean one thing, and I suspect it has something to do with the foreign trade balance between the Netherlands and Japan. Can money truly take the place of marine conservation? Can political pressure from a nation that hides behind the banner of scientific whaling truly take the place of marine conservation?

I think not, and I believe that after due consideration you will agree with me.

Your country has an excellent reputation in its fight against pet abuse.

When all the whales have been harpooned into extinction, when the bloody seas bearing their cries crash against your shore, where will the Netherlands hide its shame?

Kind Regards,
Geachte heer,mevrouw
Met teleurstelling heb ik vernomen vandaag dat men een urgente mandaat wil instellen
om het schip van Sea Shepherd Conservation Society de  "Steve Irwin" wil gaan verbieden om niet langer onder
de Nederlandse vlag te varen.
Ik vind dit zeer onterecht,vooral wanneer men hun beschuldigt van geweld tegen de Japanse walvisvaarders.
Is de illegale walvisjacht in de Antarctische wateren (Whale Sanctuary) door de Japanners niet meer geweldadiger dan wat Sea Shepherd doet? Sea Shepherd Society heeft in 30 jaar nog nooit slachtoffers gemaakt tijdens hun campagnes,
zij zorgen er alleen voor dat er walvissen van de dood gered worden.De zogenaamde wetenschappelijke walvisjacht van de Japanners is een facade,een excuus,want vreemd dat de walvissen die zij gedood hebben (waar ze monsters van moeten nemen) al kant en klaar in pakketjes voor de vleesmarkt in Japan aankomen.
Japan oefent druk op Nederland uit om de Nederlandse vlag van Sea Shepherd af te nemen.En de Nederlandse regering bukt hiervoor ?
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society doet hetgene waar alle regeringen in de wereld in FALEN !!! Namelijk het redden van walvissen,zeehonden,het plunderen van de oceanen.Het zou mooi zijn dat regeringen eens opkwamen voor de Oceanen en alle dieren erin.Misschien eens meer onderzoek doen over Sea Shepherd,youtube filmpjes kijken om waarover het gaat.Sea Shepherd gebruikt geen GEWELD tegen mensen,wel maken zij directe acties tegen illegale activiteiten,maken zij materiaal onklaar.Ik hoop dat de regering de wijze en juiste beslissing neemt ! Anders zal mijn en van velen anderen het vertrouwen in de Nederlandse regering flink dalen.
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