A Campaign for Native GLBT Funding Justice

Two recent national philanthropy reports have released information indicating that Gay Funders contributed $37 million in one year to GLBT organizations across the United States.  Native American Two Spirit People, the poorest of all the GLBT communities, received only 4 small grants of about $2,500.  The average grant to gay organizations nationally is $16,000 a year.  Gay funders have a mission to serve all equally, but it's time for a summit with the Two Spirit People here in our ancestral domains to help the funders achieve their mission.  Two Spirit People have significant spiritual and ceremonial roles in our Native cultures, and Gay Philanthropy has a significant role to play in realizing a vision of funding-justice and social justice with our people.

represent or support the appeal of the First People GLBT spiritual communities throughout Turtle Island.  Gay Philanthropy has a mission of social and economic justice, and Two Spirit Native People have ancient spiritual and social roles in our Native cultures as healers and dreamers.  We have goals in common and we admonish the funders in the spirit of healing to hear the voices of our people and join hands with us as humanity faces a future in great need of healing.
We know that organized philanthropy is capable of treating everyone equally and we thank you for bringing a speedy end to any apparent inequality in GLBT Funding!

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