Pledge to Protect Water Quality

Clean water is the focus of World Water Day 2010. It's important that
we each do our part to prevent pollution and protect our water. All it
takes are a few small steps to make a big impact when it comes to
water quality and sustainability.
You can start right now by taking the pledge below, based on clean
water suggestions from UN-Water.
In order to protect water quality, I pledge to:
-Sweep my driveway, the sidewalk, the gutters, and the patio instead
of hosing them down
-Pick up my pet's waste
-Properly dispose of my household chemicals by using household
hazardous collection sites when I can
-Find a "green" carwash that reuses the water instead of hosing down
my car in the driveway or on the street
-Not litter or pour anything down storm drains
-Not use harmful pesticides and to use fertilizers sparingly
-Not throw my yard and garden clippings in the trash but to compost them
-Participate in city planning by voting for plans with "Low Impact Development"
firma la peticiónfirma la petición