Protect Vulnerable Deep Sea Corals & Sponges!

  • al: Oceana
  • destinatario: National Marine Fisheries Service
Public Comment Period Opened - Save Corals and Sponges

Oceana's fight to defend deep-sea corals from the destructive fishing practice known as "bottom trawling" has reached a critical moment -- we have petitioned the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to put regulations in place protecting corals and sponges from bottom trawling, and they have opened the issue up for public comment.

This is your chance to tell NMFS that protecting fragile, ancient coral and sponge habitats is important to you!

The comment period ends August 13, 2004, so don't wait! Take action -- tell the Director of NMFS' Office of Habitat Conservation to support Oceana's petiton and protect corals and sponges from bottom trawling!
To Whom it May Concern:


I am writing to urge you to adopt the rule that is requested for protecting deep sea corals as set out in 69 Fed. Reg. 32991 (June 14, 2004). Coral and sponge habitats are too vulnerable and valuable -- for ocean health and potentially for human pharmaceuticals -- to allow bottom trawling fishing vessels to destroy them.

The proposed rule would provide the most reasonable protection from damage to living sponges and corals while having the least harmful impact on the economic wellbeing of existing fisheries and fishing communities.

Thank you for considering my comments.
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