Mr Keith Rogenski, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, San Ramon Valley Unified District was accused of failing to report the abuse of autistic kindergarten students in a case that cost the Antioch School District 8 million dollars. The allegation

Mr Keith Rogenski, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, San Ramon Valley Unified District was accused of failing to report the abuse of autistic kindergarten students in a case that cost the Antioch School District 8 million dollars. The allegation stated his actions using the following words, " 15. Defendant Keith Rogenski (“ROGENSKI”) is the Assistant Superintendent in charge of human resources for the AUSD. All actions alleged herein by ROGENSKI were taken under color of state law and in the course and scope of his employment with the AUSD." Based on these statements, Should the administrator be trusted to handle another case related to children with special medical needs?
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