Urge Governor Northam to Fund Flood Risk Reduction Program

Over the past year, devastating storms have damaged homes and infrastructure and disrupted the lives of Virginians across the state, costing millions in recovery. With the number of people living in flood-prone areas predicted to increase, well beyond the estimated 650,000 currently vulnerable to coastal and inland flooding, reducing risk now is crucial for the safety and prosperity of Virginians.

Governor Ralph Northam needs to hear from you!

Governor Northam is preparing his two-year budget, and it is critical that he invest in flood-risk reduction measures. We can no longer rely on federal programs that are backlogged and in debt. Cities such as Norfolk and Roanoke have invested millions of their own money to tackle flooding. The state must step up and ensure its communities are better prepared to withstand the storms that we know will come eventually.

Research shows that mitigation initiatives—such as acquiring flood-prone properties and creating green space, restoring wetlands and streams to absorb stormwater, and establishing living shorelines to control erosion and blunt storm surge—provide $6 in savings to society for every dollar invested.

Flooding affects each and every corner of the commonwealth and responding to this challenge will take a state-level response.

Ask Governor Northam to make flood-risk reduction a priority in his budget proposal—and to fund the Virginia Shoreline Resiliency Fund!
Subject Line: Please fund the Virginia Shoreline Resiliency Fund

Dear Governor Northam,

Thank you for the opportunity to share my views on your upcoming biennial budget proposal.

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From Tidewater to Appalachia, flooding affects every corner of the commonwealth, and has devastating impacts for families and businesses. As a statewide issue, flooding deserves a state-level response. Seeding the Virginia Shoreline Resiliency Fund with robust funding of $50 million presents an effective and fiscally responsible way to reduce flood risk and secure the safety and prosperity of Virginians.

Research shows that for every dollar invested in pre-disaster mitigation, society saves $6 in overall disaster costs. Localities statewide recognize the value of proactive initiatives to reduce their flood risk, but many lack the resources to meet the needs of residents in harm's way. If funded, the Virginia Shoreline Resiliency Fund would help localities implement mitigation projects that are tailored to local risks and priorities, and ultimately save taxpayer dollars.

With flooding expected to become more common and costly, there has never been a more prudent time to finance this fund to prepare families and businesses across the commonwealth for this challenge. Thank you for your diligent attention to this critical issue, and for your consideration of my request.


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