FREE SARAH CINDY WHITE SHE HAS BEEN IN PRISON SINCE 16 LET HER HOME AMERICA SIGN this Petition to support the cause To release her Now!

Sarah Cindy White a Young bright girl who was abused since the age of 6 didn't mean to burn down her house she was just 16 her brain wasn't devoloped she wasn't thinking She is now 60 and has grown in prison she set a family's home on fire And has been in prison for 44 years she didn't mean to do it It was an act of revenge she was mad but didn't mean to kill them Now I think it's time for her to go home She killed 6 people in a fire 4 of which were children under the age of 10 but she is now 60 she doesn't deserve this i kindly ask of you all to sign this petition and RELEASE HER! Please and thank you support the cause #FreeSarahWhite

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