A call for reasoned discussion about affirmative action

We, the undersigned, believe in the importance of social justice but fundamentally oppose the tactics and philosophy of the militant organization BAMN, which represents neither the Univeristy students, faculty, administration, or public affected by affirmative action.
The outcome of the two Supreme Court-bound University of Michigan affirmative action cases will determine the future of policies regarding diversity in higher education.

We the undersigned:

- Believe affirmative action is an important issue worthy respectful discussion,
- Believe that racial, economic, and social justice in the U.S. and around the world is important, and there are various means to achieve it,
- Believe the inflammitory and divisive tactics of the organization called "BAMN" silences healthy debate on the issue,
- And request the Revolutionary Workers' Leage/BAMN to abandon their militant, destructive leadership tactics on this important issue.
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