Protect Arctic Wildlands and Wildlife from Big Oil

Grizzly and polar bears, caribou, rare birds, and other wildlife species rely on public land in the Western Arctic. These sensitive areas are also home to dozens of Indigenous communities. But ConocoPhillips and other fossil fuel companies just see millions of acres of land for climate-busting oil and gas drilling.

The Biden-Harris administration is acting to protect huge swaths of the Arctic from the oil industry's unrelenting push to drill. Recently, in a major victory, the administration halted oil and gas leasing across 10 million acres of the Western Arctic.

Scientists know that the Arctic region is warming more than four times faster than the rest of the world, so stopping drilling here is a key step to avert climate catastrophe.

The administration is accepting public comments on their bold plan. Send a comment right away urging the Biden-Harris administration to protect the Arctic from Big Oil!

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