Help stop child slavery in Africa
- al: X X
- destinatario: Hershey Foods Corporation
As many as 200,000 West African children a year are being sold into slavery in order to work cacao plantations. Cacao is the raw material for chocolate and cocoa. Almost 40% of chocolate produced is made from cacao that was produced by child slavery. For as little as $15 US dollars, parents are selling their children into slavery, often misled to believe that their children will be receiving a better life through education and jobs. Instead, children are being subjected to harsh lives as field hands, domestic workers, and even prostitutes. They are living in cruel, squalid, and impovrished conditions.
Dear Hershey's Food Corporation,
We the undersigned feel that, as being the #1 producer of chocolate in the United States, that your corporation should take measures to ensure that the cacao beans that you purchase are not grown by using child slavery. Please develop means to end this cruel cycle that is hurting countless children.
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