Protect patients from prior authorization policies!

You and your physician know the best treatment for you, but unfortunately you are not always the ones making the final decision. Instead, insurance companies and pharmacy benefit managers use a cost-control process called prior authorization, which forces your physician to get approval before you can start certain treatments. Prior authorization can delay or deny treatments prescribed by your physician.

Why is approval needed if your physician prescribed a treatment and you're paying for a health insurance plan that covers it?

Prior authorization is not only an administrative nightmare; it prevents patients from receiving the care they need. Treatments can be delayed anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks as insurers review the request. When time is wasted, your health suffers. Prior authorization can lead to serious adverse events, including hospitalization, disability, and even death.

A bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives recently introduced the "Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2024" (S. 4532/H.R. 8702) to address the problems created by prior authorizations! This legislation aims to:

    • Limit unnecessary delays in patient care by mandating greater transparency and oversight of health insurers.
    • Reduce the administrative burden placed on physicians by streamlining and standardizing electronic prior authorization processes.

For far too long, insurance companies have hidden behind prior authorization requirements to cut costs and boost their bottom line, all at the expense of the patient.

It's time to #FixPriorAuth. Contact your Representative and Senators and ask them to cosponsor and pass the "Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2024"!
Bi-partisan legislation was recently reintroduced in the House and Senate aimed at protecting patients from the negative effects of prior authorization policies. The Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2024 (S. 4532/H.R. 8702) would reduce unnecessary delays in care and administrative burdens by streamlining and standardizing prior authorization within the Medicare Advantage program.

The bill also institutes much-needed transparency and oversight requirements on health insurers' use of utilization management policies. These combined policy changes will undoubtedly lead to better health care outcomes for America's seniors.

Please join your colleagues and protect patients from delays in care and help relieve the unnecessary administrative burdens on physicians that consume valuable health care resources. Please cosponsor the Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2024 today!
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