Vanderbilt University Is Injecting Rabbits' Eyes With Cancer Cells With No Pain Relief! Let's Take Action!

NEAVS has uncovered shocking evidence that Vanderbilt University in Nashville has been injecting lab rabbits with cancer cells using large bore needles without any anesthesia or pain relief for days on end. This is shockingly cruel. Satan worshipers wouldn't do something so heinous and brutal. We must raise our voices for the defenseless and voiceless that are suffering and remind the university that rabbits like other mammals feel great pain and fear and this is beyond the pale. We must do everything within our human powers to bring attention to this matter and demand that Chancellor Daniel Diermeier shut down this horror show immediately! The main switchboard at Vanderbilt is (615) 421-1611 or (615) 343-9999

Actualizar #1hace 4 años
Important contact update for Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier! His email address is The correct main switchboard is (615) 322-2608. Let's make some noise folks these horrific eye cancer injections experiments are still taking place today. Send a letter and make a phone call and threaten escalating protests on campus to end this suffering ASAP!
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