Jail time for Rodd L., filmed choking & beating puppy

  • al: Slava Radakovic
  • destinatario: J.E. "Eddie" Guerra - Interim Sheriff - Hidalgo County, Texas / Texas SPCA - SPCA@SPCA.ORG - Report Animal Cruelty: 214-461-1850

Meet Rodd L., who lives in Texas. This psycho was filmed sitting in his own home, choking a mastiff puppy by chain and beating him in the head with his fist. The recording can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OuBBIIUE4g

Let's put this scum behind bars once and for all!

Actualizar #3hace 10 años
Reply received:
"Our Rescue & Investigations team focuses on eight counties to better respond to animals in need: Dallas, Ellis, Fannin, Grayson, Hunt, Kaufman, Rains & Van Zandt.

If the county you're referring to is outside our service area, you can help by contacting the local law enforcement. Texas law protects animals from cruelty and abuse. The local law enforcement officials will be able to assist the animal(s) you're concerned about." End of reply.
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
ANIMAL CRUELTY COMPLAINT FORM has been submitted at http://www.spca.org/abuse

Expecting email reply from SPCA. Standby for future updates. Nothing further at this time.
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Signatures have been submitted to SPCA with additional information regarding the suspect along with video evidence url and other necessary details to commence an investigation.

Stand by for future details regarding this case. Nothing further at this time.
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