Greater Yellowstone Wolves Delisted - Protest Now!

The Bush/Cheney administration has just eliminated federal protections for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies, opening the door to the slaughter of hundreds of America's most beloved wolves.

This decision leaves the region's wolves at the mercy of outrageous state management plans that could lead to the killing of all but 300 wolves - eliminating 80% of all the wild wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.

We need to let the Bush/Cheney administration know that we strongly oppose this decision to remove Greater Yellowstone wolves from the list of federally protected threatened and endangered species.

Please sign our petition of protest and demand that the administration reverse its misguided decision and continue protecting Greater Yellowstone wolves under the Endangered Species Act.
I am deeply disturbed by the federal government's decision to remove wolves in the Greater Yellowstone and Central Idaho regions from the list of federally protected threatened and endangered species.

I strongly oppose the weakening of protections for these wolves and expect the federal government to fulfill its obligation to secure a lasting future in the Northern Rockies for these amazing animals.

Please accept my comments in support of continued Endangered Species Act protection for wolves in the Northern Rockies and immediately reverse this decision to delist these wolves.
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