Save elephants: support the U.S. ivory ban!

Most people think ivory was outlawed in the U.S. back in the 1980s.

Most people…are wrong. Truth is, the United States is still among the largest markets in the world for ivory sales. And it’s killing elephants. 96 of them, every single day.

Legal markets that allow sales of old ivory provide perfect cover for the trafficking of new ivory.

It is absolutely critical we shut down these markets – the very survival of African elephants depends on it.

Stopping the sale of ivory in the U.S. is long overdue. Tell the Obama administration that you support the ban on ivory sales.

We'll submit your name, zip, and comment to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. All comments become part of the public record

Dear Secretary Jewell:

I am writing to express my support for the proposed revision of the section 4(d) rule for the African elephant. With 96 elephants being killed by poachers every single day for their ivory, it is critical that our government acts quickly and decisively to end the sale of illegal ivory in the United States.

The proposed rule makes many important changes to ensure that the U.S. market is closed to illegal ivory. Perhaps the most critical is requiring the seller of an item containing ivory to prove that the item qualifies for an exemption from law, a far more sensible and enforceable approach than the previous rule. It is imperative that this shift be included in the final rule.

Although I would have preferred a more complete ban, I understand why the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is including a de minimus provision that will allow a narrow exemption for interstate commerce in a small number of items that were manufactured with small quantities of legal ivory. As the final rule is developed, it is critical that it be truly an exception only for items with minimal amounts of ivory. The rule must maintain language that ensures that a qualifying item is not primarily made of ivory and the primary source of the value is not from ivory. I urge FWS to consider a much smaller threshold, similar to the 20% standard adopted by the State of New York. The sale of stand-alone ivory carvings, predominantly ivory jewelry or trinkets provides too great of an incentive and ability for the illegal trade in African elephant ivory to continue into and within the United States and in other countries that might adopt the same standard.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important action of the U.S. government. I look forward to the prompt action on a final rule that will help to stop the mass killings of elephants and conserve their majesty for future generations.

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