Keep "Newfoundland" in MUN's logo

new logoUpdate: Despite being informed of widespread opposition, including numerous letters to the editor and to university officials, and despite being given both paper and electronic copies of this petition, the university's Board of Regents has rubber-stamped the new marketing campaign described below.

In order to have an impact, people who have signed or intend to sign the petition should also put their views or comments in an email to Marketing & Communications (

The Memorial University of Newfoundland has created a new marketing campaign for the university, including a new logo that no longer incorporates the words "of Newfoundland".

Many people are concerned that Newfoundland has been dropped from the university's logo and marketing materials, and will henceforth be known as simply "Memorial University", although the legal name of the university has not been changed.

coat of armsEffective immediately, the current logo, with the university's full name and coat of arms, will be used only for ceremonial occasions (e.g. Convocation) and official documents (e.g., degrees). The new logo will be used on all promotional materials, memorabilia, signs, vehicles and the web site.

There are many reasons for concern:

* A 2002 attempt to change the name of Memorial University of Newfoundland to simply "Memorial University" was met with widespread protests, including a petition of over 7000 signatures which was brought to the Legislature

* The university was named for the soldiers who fought for the Dominion of Newfoundland in WWI and WWII

* The removal of the university's location from the logo may create confusion given the existence of several other Memorial Universities

* People who see a logo that says simply "Memorial University" will not know where the university is. Our location is often a feature that interests people in the university

To see an example of the 'generic university X' marketing that the new campaign will have, click the link below to view the Research Report, MUN's first publication with the new branding. Although the article mentions funding from the Government of NL, all references to the university are simply "Memorial University".

(June 13 update: The Research Report has been changed so that the official name of the university is now used in the text and copyright notice. The "Memorial University" logo is still used)

The 2006-2007 university calendar can be seen here:

The representation and name of the university has been a controversial issue for some time, and it seems that more people will be upset by the removal of Newfoundland from the logo, than those who will be upset by its continued inclusion. The university should indeed market itself competitively and globally, but one wonders why a logo with the official name, "Memorial University of Newfoundland" or the abbreviation "MUN" cannot fit into this marketing plan.

We encourage you to express your views on whether there is any need to change the public face of the University by replacing the traditional logo.

Please sign the petition below if you would like the university to bring the marketing campaign back to the table, and engage in widespread consultation about the inclusion of Newfoundland in the university's new logo and marketing campaign.

Click here for more information on the new marketing campaign and the new slogan, "Become."
To the Memorial University of Newfoundland Marketing and Communications division;

We, the undersigned, are concerned that the new marketing campaign for the university, includes a logo that no longer incorporates the words "of Newfoundland".

We are concerned for many reasons, including those listed below:

* A 2002 attempt to change the name of Memorial University of Newfoundland to simply "Memorial University" was met with widespread protests, including a petition of over 7000 signatures which was brought to the Legislature

* The university was named for the soldiers who fought for the Dominion of Newfoundland in WWI and WWII

* The removal of the university's location from the logo may create confusion given the existence of several other Memorial Universities

* People who see a logo that says simply "Memorial University" will not know where the university is. This concerns us because our location is often a feature that interests people in the university.

The representation and name of the university has been a controversial issue for some time, and it seems that more people will be upset by the removal of Newfoundland from the logo, than those who will be upset by its continued inclusion.

While we appreciate that the university needs to market itself competitively and globally, we see no reason why a logo with the official name, "Memorial University of Newfoundland" or the abbreviation "MUN" cannot fit into this marketing plan. We would like the university to bring the marketing campaign back to the table, and engage in widespread consultation about the inclusion of Newfoundland in the university's new logo and marketing campaign.


Concerned alumni, students, and citizens

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