Ask For Investigation and Appropriate Consequences In Alleged Dog Fighting Case

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Valdosta, Georgia DA’s Office

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to gain justice for some dogs that were rescued in Valdosta, Georgia during a domestic dispute. Authorities suspect but have not yet documented that this was a possible dog fighting situation. The dog owners are now under investigation and if found guilty of animal cruelty and possible dog fighting, we want to ensure they receive appropriate charges, punishment and ban on future animal ownership or care.

Recently in Valdosta, Georgia, police responded to a situation of domestic dispute, discovering that the home and owners involved also housed several dogs, inside and out. Lowndes County Animal control was called and fourteen dogs were seized from the property.

The Valdosta Police Department stated that they responded to a call at the home around 11 in the morning to help a woman in a domestic situation. She allegedly told them, when the dogs were discovered, that he husband participates in dog fighting, but the man was not in the home at the time of the call and allegations. The dogs, nine adults and five puppies all appeared to be pit bulls and were kept in the back yard. Many of the animals appeared to have injuries and were kept without any visible shelter, food or water. Most appeared to be malnourished, according to reports.

The animals are getting the care they need as stated by the Lowndes County clerk while VPD detectives continue their investigation into the allegations of animal cruelty and dog fighting. The names of the suspects are being withheld until the completion of the investigation and possible charges. We are seeking justice for these fourteen dogs discovered on the property by signing and sharing this petition for their health and well-being.

Valdosta, Georgia DA’s Office – We are seeking justice for the 14 dogs found at the property of a couple while being summoned to a possible domestic dispute situation. While investigating this situation, involving a possible dog fighting and animal cruelty situation, we are asking that the harshest charges be inflicted, for each animal discovered and allegedly abused in addition to placing a ban for future animal ownership or care on both people at the residence. Be a voice for the animals involved to find the truth and gain them justice in finding new health and possible homes.

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