Patients Stand Together: Demand Congress Pass Medicare for All

Patients should be at the heart of our healthcare system — not profits for shareholders. Yet because the United States is one of the few countries that allows corporations to make money off our health, millions of us struggle to afford prescriptions, lose our savings or home to crushing medical debt, or avoid the healthcare system altogether. Even after bearing witness to the worst pandemic in modern history, legislators have still not answered the call for guaranteed healthcare.

Join us in demanding that Congress pass Medicare for All, which would provide comprehensive healthcare to every single patient by creating a universal, public health plan.

Healthcare is basic to human dignity. It's time for Congress to join the 7 out of 10 voters who support Medicare for All — including Republicans, Democrats, and Independents — to finally establish healthcare as a right.
Dear Representative,

As your constituent, I'm asking that you cosponsor the 2021 Medicare for All bill (H.R. 1976) and work with patients to get it on President Biden's desk.

30 million Americans are uninsured and millions more poorly insured, problems left unsolved a decade after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Healthcare is a human right; and the only way to ensure cradle to grave coverage is to do what all our peer countries have done and institute a public health insurance plan that provides comprehensive care for all U.S. residents.

It's time to take a stand against the for-profit health insurance and drug companies who make millions rationing our healthcare.

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