Reassess Cruelty Allegations of Oak Hill Genetics Due to Past Abuse & Violations

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Univ. of Louisville, Washington State Univ. of St. Louis, Ft. Sam Houston, Ed Hines Jr. & VA Hospitals

A recent investigation according to PETA culminated with some allegations of abuse and cruelty at the Oak Hill Genetics which is an Illinois-based company that breeds thousands of dogs and pigs to be sold to laboratories for use in cruel experiments. You can read the full story of alleged abuse and mistreatment of animals at

PETA has presented documents and photos showing some of the suspected abuse at the Oak Hill Genetics, with such findings as: a pig with an injured leg that was apparently shaking continuously from irritation and discomfort, from the leg and an ear; piglets suffering with scabbed sores across their faces; other pigs had swollen knees with large abscesses and fluid buildup on the ear along with a dog that had a red, irritated sore on the skin that was also filled with pus and fluids.  These were just a few of the findings during the recent investigation in addition to the facility allowing sick animals to suffer with painful, debilitating injuries without any veterinary care or assistance. It is apparent, at least through these alleged findings that Oak Hill Genetics is in continual violation of the Animal Welfare Act.

Our efforts in this petition is to encourage various customers of the Oak Hill Genetics to reassess their relationships with such a cruel facility to determine if they have breached their contracts by violating animal welfare laws, demanding that this facility take proper measures in following the AWA.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition. 

Univ. of Louisville, Washington State Univ. of St. Louis, Ft. Sam Houston, Ed Hines Jr. & VA Hospitals – As frequent customers of the Oak Hill Genetics, we strongly urge that you all to reassess your relationship with them and their alleged animal abuse and cruelty.  Findings of a recent study alleges that the Oak Hill Genetics is a breeder that has been cited several times for repeated violations of the Animal Welfare Act!  The recent findings showed dogs and pigs with extreme pain and sores including oozing abscesses, bloody wounds, scabs, swollen joints and limbs, and swollen ears filled with fluid. Despite some warnings, the agency continues to violate the AWA and you need to determine their guilt and possible breach of contracts.  They need to be stopped, ensure that they abide by all AWA regulations or else be shut down from any further animal abuse.

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