Urge the Government not to allow a Mine Extention to Protect Wildlife and the Environment

Despite that a mine has caused damage to four endangered swamps on the Newnes Plateau near Lithgow over the past decade – the NSW Planning department has urged the approval of an extension to the Springvale mine, according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald.

As a result of the mining extension, the habitat of the endangered Blue Mountains skink, the giant dragonfly and rare swamp plants are put at risk.

The extension of the mine will allow the underground longwall mine to extend further beneath the Newnes Plateau's remaining swamps. Rivers that feed Sydney's water drinking supply could be subject to an increase in salinity.

The decision has environmentalists concerned – they have been campaigning for decades for greater protection of the unique landscape that surrounds the area.

The unique landscape, wildlife and water supply of Sydney needs to be protected.

Will you join me in urging the government not to allow an extension to the Springvale mine and to manage any associated job losses by retraining those affected for new employment sectors?

Please sign and share the petition.

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