2023 Shattered Climate Records, Becoming Hottest 12-Month Period on Record. World Leaders Must Commit to Taking Action Now!

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: World leaders, COP28 U.N. Climate Conference
Looking back at 2023, one thing is clear: it has been a record-breaking year for climate change and the rise of global temperatures. Data and analyses from the nonprofit Climate Central show that the past 12-month period was the warmest ever in Earth's history.

Since May, every single month has broken records for being the hottest such month ever. In the summer, globally we soared past the 1.5 degree Celsius warming mark that, according to the Paris Climate Accords, we'd been trying to avoid. And ever since that moment, we have yet to see the Earth sufficiently cool back down afterwards.

Sign the petition to demand world leaders finally commit to taking genuine, decisive action against climate change at the COP28 Climate Summit!

The effects of climate change are clear. Natural disasters are on the rise all across the world.

This past year, heat waves tore through South America, Africa, Japan, China, and the southern U.S. states. Floods and wildfires devastated the east coast of the U.S. and Canada. A new report is also showing that every single part of the U.S. is being affected by climate change, and that those impacts are growing stronger and worse.

Let's be clear here: we are not at a point where climate change is declining. It has not even stabilized or plateaued. This year should be a warning call to every nation on Earth. Climate change is only increasing, building on itself more and more - and we haven't even seen the worst consequences yet.

Right now, COP28 - the latest installment of the annual U.N. Climate Change Conference - is being held in Dubai, and it will continue on until December 12, 2023. World leaders have a chance right now to face reality and decide to finally take real, decisive action before it's too late. The situation is continuing to escalate, and governments around the globe need to realize we don't have any time left to lose.

Leaders must get serious about fighting climate change, and must use COP28 as the place to show this seriousness! Sign the petition now!
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