Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage in Sri Lanka is a ‘prison’ for elephants. The elephants are kept behind bars in small enclosures, in chains.

The baby elephants in the Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage are taken away on requests made by temple priests and politicians to be used in peraheras (Buddhist festivals). However, when not being used in peraheras most of the elephants are used for hard labour and safaris.

Chains with spikes are tied round the legs of fierce elephants to control them, adding that when the elephant gets restless and moves about, the spikes on the chains cut into the animals’ legs and badly injure them.

This is by no means an orphanage for babies separated from their mothers. It is a cruel and inhumane breeding facility, used only to supply elephants for parades and to sell elephants to private owners. THESE ELEPHANTS ARE ABUSED!!!

Please sign and share this petition. This place needs to be shut down and all the elephants released to a proper sanctuary! 

Please also take a moment to sign this new petition against Pinnawala.

Dear Sri Lanka Authorities, 

This petition signed by Two Hundred Thousand and ninety four individuals, World Wide, care about the way the elephants at Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage are being so horribly abused. We have all seen the video's, read the documanted accounts of severe abuse and cruelty and we strongly reccomend this house of horrors be shut down immediatly, and ALL elephants released to proper care and Sanctuary. 

Actualizar #1hace 8 años
This petition will be closed and sent to the perspective targets. Sri Lanka doesn't exactly respond to petitions or act on them. I do hope that this petition did serve as a tool to spread awareness to it's many, many signers to the cruelty and abuse that continue to be ignored by the Government. Thank you, Always for signing my petitions.
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