Tell Obama: Reject Wolf-killing Legislation
Wolf haters in Congress will stop at nothing to roll back Endangered Species Act protections for America's gray wolves, paving the way for these magnificent animals to be shot, trapped and gassed out of existence.
Their latest tactic is slipping insidious riders into important, must-pass funding bills to strip wolves of federal protection.
It's a cynical, shady tactic that they used in 2011 to gut wolf protections in Idaho and Montana. Since then those two states have ramped up the slaughter, and more than 1,900 wolves have died.
President Barack Obama needs to take a stand for America's wolves. They're an integral part of our natural heritage, and these kinds of cynical, backdoor riders have no place in genuine democracy.
Take action today -- tell President Obama to veto any legislation containing language that would weaken wolf protections.
Dear President Obama,
I’m writing to urge you to veto any legislation that comes across your desk containing language that would remove or weaken federal protection for gray wolves.
[Your comment will be added here]
Riders attached to appropriations bills, such as the Interior funding bills recently introduced in the House and Senate, seek to override recent court decisions won by the Center for Biological Diversity and its allies that have stopped the wolf massacres in Wyoming, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Judges have repeatedly concluded that it is too early to strip wolves of their federal protection. And with only 5 percent of suitable wolf habitat currently occupied, and near-constant threats to their safety, these apex predators still desperately need the Endangered Species Act's protection to survive.
This sort of legislation is not only about wolves. Congress should not be inserting itself into what should be science-based decisions. Such political meddling sets a terrible precedent and leaves the Endangered Species Act vulnerable to an endless succession of politically motivated attacks. We must not allow further erosion of this immensely popular, bedrock environmental law.
Please stand up for America's wildlife and the integrity of the Endangered Species Act by opposing any attempts to strip protections from wolves.
[Your name]
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