Help Children with Disabilities Survive the Horn of Africa Famine

Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya are facing the worst drought in 60 years, which has caused famine throughout the Horn of Africa. With food costs skyrocketing, millions of people face malnutrition and the life-long disability that accompanies it.
Kids suffer the most in famines like this. The UN estimates that half a million children are severely malnourished and another 1.5 million are at serious risk. For children with disabilities, the situation is even more dire. Many people with disabilities are invisible in their communities and often excluded in emergency responses.
We can't forget or leave behind any child in this crisis. We must ensure that children with disabilities are not last in line to get fed and that all children get access to food aid to prevent disability caused by malnutrition.
Support cbm Canada's efforts to provide food aid to the most vulnerable children and families living with disabilities in the Horn of Africa.
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