Reinstate Coach Brian White

In December 2022, Brian White (aka B White) was terminated from his assistant coaching responsibilities in the Aquinas Boys Soccer Program.

Why we are concerned.
During his tenure at Aquinas, B White's leadership advanced the Student Life experience for students on the soccer pitch, basketball court, and in the classroom.

Top 10 Reasons to #Reinstate B

10. Aquinas substitute teacher, coach of Aquinas boys soccer, girls soccer and boys sophomore basketball programs for 17 years

9.  Understands the culture necessary to create & sustain a Kansas Boys Soccer dynasty and prioritizes community relations with Aquinas soccer alumni

8. Leads annual soccer program fall fundraisers that generate thousands of $$ donated to local and national charities

7. Founder of B White Classic soccer tournament - 60 teams within region descend on OP every July giving a boost to the local economy

6. Creates a fun, energetic environment for student athletes as he leads them in the GAME OF LIFE

5. Produces powerful moments through senior speeches 

4. The Ewing, Hammons, B White coaching dynamic is unmatched locally, regionally, AND nationally.  This is proven through...

3. 17 state championships 

2.  2020 National Assistant Coach of the Year

1.  Curator of This Is What The Shield Stands For in the lead up to 2022 5A State Final Four Run (voiceover by B White) 

Without B White a part of the Aquinas boys' soccer program, there is an void that can not be filled regardless of his replacement.

The dynamic of the program will forever be changed. It will take several years to rebuild.

Call to Action. Please prayerfully consider supporting the online petition requesting the reinstatement of B White.

Please share how B White has impacted your life by adding a comment to your petition signature.

Who Can Sign? Virtually anyone. There is no limitation.  Past/current/future boys' soccer players. Aquinas Alumni.  Parents. Students. Friends. Family.  Soccer Fans.  Soccer Coaches.  

You name it!  Anyone who believes B White has made a positive impact to the kids, the game, and the Aquinas Community.  

I've signed the online petition.  What Next?

Once signatures are collected, the signed online petition will be sent to NE Kansas ArchDiocese, St. Thomas Aquinas Board, and President Schenck to further our advocacy of Coach B White's reinstatement to the coaching staff on Aquinas Boys Soccer Program.

#Reinstate B

Thank you for your support,
Jack & Jill Welsh
Mike & Liz Muckerman
Dan & Sherri Kitts
Nelson & Kerry Young

Data Privacy Concerns.  Although the petition requires you to provide your name and address when submitting your signature, the petition only displays your first name, first letter of last name and the city you live in.  You can elect to hide your name when signing, if desired.  Please read the data privacy clause for details.

Actualizar #2hace 1 años
We reached our petition signature goal (250) on schedule and as planned. Thanks to each and every one of you! YOU made THIS happen!

We will let this initial success marinate over the weekend. Then early next week, we will contact the decision makers in our effort to accomplish our PRIMARY goal: #Reinstate B.

Let's recover this fumbled football and run it back into the endzone.

Oh...and Go Chiefs!
Actualizar #1hace 1 años
Thank you! We are 81% to our signature goal. Your support of B White shines bright and warms hearts. Friday, we will contact the Archdiocese, Aquinas School Board, and President Schenck requesting an audience with petition in-hand. Based on local and regional outcry of support, we respectfully ask they re-evaluate the termination decision. It is evident the investigation was narrow in focus and did not factor in the negative ramifications of said decision. Push to reach 250! #Reinstate B.
firma la petición
firma la petición
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