Urge the EU to Maintain a Ban on Elephant Trophy Imports from Zambia

  • al: Georgina B.
  • destinatario: Daniel Calleja, Director-General, EU Scientific Review Group

Animal protection campaigners are outraged after the EU's Scientific Review Group reversed an earlier decision to suspend elephant trophy imports from Zambia, according to a report in the Mirror.

Elephant trophies from Zambia had been stopped in April after concerns that population levels were dangerously low. However, the Zambian government claimed an aerial survey suggested there are now 33,000 elephants in the country, which lead to the EU changing its position.

Conservationists strongly dispute the population estimates.

It has been estimated that elephant numbers have dropped by 62% over the last decade, and they could be mostly extinct by the end of the next decade. An estimated 100 African elephants are killed each day by poachers seeking ivory, meat and body parts, leaving only 400,000. remaining.

The situation for the African elephant is dire - and the EU is contributing to its demise by allowing imports. Will you join me in urging the EU’s Scientific Review Group to maintain its position to end elephant trophy imports from Zambia?

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Dear Director-General Calleja,

I am calling on the EU Scientific Review Group to reinstate a ban on elephant trophy imports from Zambia. 

It has been estimated that elephant numbers have dropped by 62% over the last decade, and they could be mostly extinct by the end of the next decade. An estimated 100 African elephants are killed each day by poachers seeking ivory, meat and body parts, leaving only 400,000. remaining.

[Your comments here]

There is no scientific justification for allowing trophy imports. I urge you to stop these elephant trophies from entering the EU. 

[Your name here]
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