Save the Primates at Bever Park Zoo

  • al: Tarin Frey
  • destinatario: Julie Myers, Zoologist, Bever Park Zoo (Primate Building)
Save the primates at Bever Park Zoo, they are kept in an unhealthy and odorous environment. The zoo will be closing the primate section as soon as all of them die. Get them to a better home.
Dear Julie Myers or Greg:

Waiting for all of the primates to die in your primate section of Bever Park Zoo so you can close down the primate section is not an option. These primates deserve a cleaner and more spatious habitat. These primates should be shown the love they deserve and sent to a different home where they are wanted. (Such as the Wild Animal Park in San Diego, California). I realize that you don't want any harm done to these animals, but it is ridiculous that they are kept in such a small enclosure that above everything else smells. Please give these primates a better home before it is too late.

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